25/02/2020 17:40 CET

Updated: Feb 26

Seems like we managed to create all 7 blocks for the received 7 slots.

8.12 seems to have some great improvement I like. Already tested on testnode for a while and since all slots are already past I thought it would be good to port it already to main node well before epoch switch to make sure its in sync in time.

I hope this was the right decision but since i could not find issue on testnode (yet) I think it will.

22/02/2020 11:30 CET

3 slots received. 3 blocks minted.

Lets hope Cardano keeps giving us slots.

I’ll let pooltool.io do the talking for a while. We all know actual numbers are better than me typing some info.

In the meantime I’ll do my best to keep server running as healthy as possible.

21/02/2020 15:00 CET

Since i’m in the opinion its better to see the actual numbers instead of manual posts i would suggest to check https://pooltool.io/pool/6affbebab89c9652de44f1b8c451d3e2f4d6854afa7de272001c5479d170532e/log

2/2 block were created today.

8.11 seems to use all available CPU’s now. All running smoothly.

20/02/2020 23:30 CET

8.11 test = OK; ported to main node at 10:00 AM

Cardano granted us 2 slots.

first block OK: 00fa54be7c9f32db90352e3d83ad1c324fb976ece4b025c2b76944220496a51c

2th block still pending; update tomorrow.

19/02/2020 21:00 CET:

Unfortunately no scheduled blocks received for today.

Node health was OK including during epoch switch. I expect we will have more luck in next cardano lottery and be back in business in the next epoch.

v8.11 is already in test on second node. if results are satisfying it will be ported to main leader node tomorrow.